
Showing posts from August, 2023

A Dinner in Vienna

The secret reason I decided to study abroad was the food!  One of the first weekends I was gone, my roommates and I hopped on a train and went to Vienna, Austria. We visited castles, walked through gorgeous gardens, and learned from the Freud Museum. But I also had one of my best-ever meals while there. At a nice little restaurant called Sixta, I experienced the following meal... We all got Kaiser wine spritzers (white wine and elderflower syrup) because I was told by a friend that they are very Austrian and (of course) delicious. My friend had spent the past semester studying abroad in Vienna so we trusted their recommendations. Grace (one of my roommates) and I ordered the same dish, the Spinatknödel or spinach dumplings. The ingredients were spinach, gorgonzola, and pear. Anna (my other roommate) ordered the Wiener Schnitzel vom Kalb or the veal Schnitzel. Her dish came with a salad of potatoes and greens with cranberries.  The Decor in Sixta was a lot of dark wood panels. There we